

In business for decades and leaving a lasting impression

A young Cole Bonham started the millennium working a new job that would leave an indelible mark on his life. In 2000, his reputation of being a hard worker in high school earned him a recommendation for a job at Midwest Trophy (now Midwest Engravers). At age 16, Cole made a call, had an interview and was hired on the spot. 19岁时,他买下了这家公司!


Cole was ready to take the leap from high school to the real world in 2002. 他的第一步是加入赌钱app可以微信提现 工商管理 课程. 科尔自信地制定了一份商业计划. His next stop was at a local bank … for a sizable loan … for a teenager … to start a viable brick-and-mortar business on Metcalf Avenue. 科尔的商业计划几乎完美无缺. 详细的财务信息, 未来的预测, 目前的客户, 可能的竞争, 未来规划和统计.

“我拿到了贷款! 我把这归功于我在赌钱app可以微信提现学到的东西,”科尔说.

事实上, the bank’s loan officer said Cole was one of the first applicants she’d known to have a complete application when he walked in the door. An impressive feat for anyone, let alone someone under 20!

“The preparedness that 赌钱app可以微信提现 gave in communication and selling classes and learning, 了解财务和报表, 是我们成功的重要因素吗,科尔说。.


Midwest Engravers has built a reputation among area sports teams and has had the honor of engraving celebratory champagne bottles for 2014 and 2015 Kansas City Royals’ World Series runs, ring boxes for Kansas City Chiefs’ 2019 Super Bowl Championship bling, commemorative bats and crystal baseballs for Major League Baseball owners, and pieces commending the completion of Sporting Kansas City stadium.

“我们重视收到的每一份订单, from engraving a Happy Mother’s Day message on a wine glass to building 3,为了帮助联邦调查局庆祝成立100周年th 周年纪念,”科尔说. “Our record of quality is becoming clearer to the public from the customers who trust us.”


When the government asked nonessential businesses to shut down, Cole asked himself a question: “Am I essential because I need to make the money to support my staff and family?他沉思着.

He was listening to the radio and over the air someone said, 如果你想知道你是不是必不可少的, 有一个想法,你可能不是, 那你就不是.”  At that point he knew the safety of his family, staff and community needed to come before profits. 中西部雕刻厂停工两周.

During this time, Cole’s online business, EngraveIt, on Etsy.Com一天比一天忙. Online sales are still booming, and Cole recognizes the value of diversity in sales.

“I believe the online business was already outpacing walk-in consumers, 但COVID-19的居家令加速了这一进程,他说. “I am not sure we will ever go back to walk-ins as primary business.”

The pandemic has not been Cole’s first obstacle, “and it will not be our last,他说. “I am an entrepreneur and therefore by definition, a risk-taker. We have grown from it, we persevered, and we are overcoming COVID-19.”


中西部雕刻家已经超过了它现在的位置. Plans are in the works to move to a larger facility that includes a dock to handle sizable orders with greater efficiency.

“We have adjusted to what has been dealt over the years; that is the key to any successful business,科尔说。. “Not only within its own walls, but within the world around it.”

Shortly after becoming a business owner, Cole married his high school sweetheart, Megan. For over 16 years they’ve been business partners in every way. 团队精神和勇气, they are raising 7 children who will more than likely etch positivity and celebration into the world — much like their parents’ business.


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