a group of dancers form a tight circle while standing under a blue spotlight


7:30 p.m. 星期五和星期六, 2024年9月20日 2024年9月21日 | Yardley大厅


个人门票 季票(每场节省10-15%)

展前讲座:艺术顾问Michael Uthoff,下午6:30.m., Sep. 20和21.

Audiences will delight in a feast for the eyes as four new works premiere on Yardley大厅 stage. 为了这个现代舞和现代舞的节日, the Midwest Trust Center has enlisted four 编排s to create original works for four local dance companies to perform at the world premieres. 今年, 新的舞伴 is excited to welcome a new partner — the Regina Klenjoski Dance Company, 威奇托首屈一指的专业舞蹈公司!


  • 堪萨斯城芭蕾舞团,和彼得·朱合作
  • 欧文/考克斯舞蹈团,与亚历山大·安德森合作
  • Störling舞蹈剧院,和hsamuren simonau一起工作
  • 里贾纳·克伦佐斯基舞蹈团,与Kia S. Smith

彼得·楚 (他/他)是一位屡获殊荣的多面运动艺术家. 出生在布朗克斯,在可可海滩长大, Chu's interest in Traditional Chinese Medicine was a gateway to a deeper understanding of his Chinese 身份. 由母亲抚养长大, 音乐治疗师, profoundly shaped his rhythmic and musical approach to creating. Chu began his dance training as a competitive gymnast and nurtured his artistry at Dussich Dance Studio. He was a BFA student at 茱莉亚音乐学院 and awarded the Hector Zaraspe Prize for Choreography upon graduation. 朱棣文的职业生涯长达30多年. He has performed with renowned dance companies such as Ballet Jazz de Montreal, 克里斯托·皮特的基德支点, EZdanza, Aszure Barton和Artists, 席琳·迪翁的《哪个app可以赌足球》. 朱棣文还曾担任奥格斯堡芭蕾舞团的编舞, Backhaus跳舞, 夏洛特芭蕾舞, 太阳马戏团, DART舞蹈团, 吉布尼舞蹈团, 芝加哥佐丹奴舞蹈, 哈伯德街舞芝加哥, 荷兰舞蹈剧院(NDT)夏季集训, 奥兰多芭蕾舞剧院, 保罗泰勒舞蹈团, 和更多的. 2008年,Chu成立了自己的项目公司chuthis., which combines innovative lighting and sound with live contemporary movement. 他为此感到非常自豪., where he explores the deepest parts of his 身份 and artistry as a director, 编排, 和教育家. 朱棣文获得的荣誉包括获得2010年全美优秀学生奖.C.E. Capezio Award and being selected as the 2008 编排 for the Perry-Mansfield New Works Festival. In 2018, he received the Harvard Blogett Award for Distinguished Artist for his creative process and piece at the Theater, Dance, 哈佛大学传媒系. Chu has also served as Rehearsal Director for Nederlands Dans Theater 2 and Guest Rehearsal Director for NDT1. 目前在可可海滩工作, 佛罗里达, Chu travels frequently for freelance choreographic commissions and teaching experiences. He has looked forward to Cincinnati Ballet and Kansas City Ballet commissions in 2024. Chu's dynamic artistry and dedication to pushing the physical bounds of dance make him a highly respected and sought-after artist in the industry.

亚历山大•安德森 (@zanderander)是南佛罗里达本地人. 他参加了亚历山大W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts and upon graduation, was accepted to 茱莉亚音乐学院. 在茱莉亚音乐学院期间, he performed works by renowned 编排s such as Nacho Duato, 威廉活力四射, 冰镇Baush, 还有吉瑞·基利安, 等. Anderson’s early choreographic creations were selected for “Choreographic Honors” and featured at the Peter Jay Sharp Theater. He was also the recipient of the Dizzy Feet Foundation Scholarship Award and the 2013 Princess Grace Foundation Scholarship Award. Upon graduating from Juilliard with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance in 2014, 安德森加入了荷兰舞蹈剧院, 紧随其后的是2017年备受尊敬的荷兰舞蹈剧院. In 2019, Anderson won critical acclaim for his performance in Crystal Pite’s “Solo Echo,” Dance Europe Magazine’s critic’s choice for “Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer.” In 2020, he joined the 吉布尼舞蹈团 as an Artistic Associate. 2022年是他在该组织的最后一年, Anderson was named the Inaugural Choreographic Fellow and provided resources to premiere a choreographic work for the company’s Gibney Fellow program. 目前居住在纽约市, he has served on the faculty of the Ailey Fordham BFA (Professional Division), Peridance, 百老汇的台阶, 吉伯尼跳舞, 美国芭蕾舞学院(SAB), 以及ABT的杰奎琳·肯尼迪奥纳西斯学校. 最近, Anderson received choreographic commissions at Earl Mosley’s Diversity of Dance, 伴奏(青年合唱团), 芭蕾舞奥斯汀II, 休斯顿当代舞蹈团, 布格利西舞蹈剧院, SFDanceworks, 阿尔文·艾利BFA福德汉姆, and 哈伯德街舞芝加哥 for their Create Summer Intensive in 2024. He is thrilled to be a part of 新的舞伴 for the 2024 season.

海琳Simoneau is a French-Canadian 编排 exploring themes of intimacy, agency, 身份, 性, 和权力. 她的编舞已委托俄勒冈芭蕾舞剧院, 茱莉亚音乐学院, 夏洛特芭蕾舞, PARA.MAR舞蹈剧院, Vitacca芭蕾舞, 艾米·塞沃特的《赌钱app可以微信提现》, BalletX, 艾莉学校, 维度舞蹈剧院, 以及美国舞蹈节. She was recently a Choreography Fellow at New York City Center and received a 2021 Guggenheim Fellowship. 她也是巴里什尼科夫艺术中心的常驻艺术家, 纽约大学/ Tisch, NCCAkron, 也是纽约大学芭蕾舞与艺术中心的研究员, 艾莉的新方向编舞实验室, Bogliasco基金会, and the Swiss International Coaching Project for Choreographers (SiWiC) in Zurich. Simoneau was awarded first place for Choreography at the 13th Internationales Solo-Tanz-Theater Festival in Stuttgart, Germany, 对于她的独唱,“温柔就在她的手中。.“最初来自Luceville, Rimouski附近的一个小村庄, 在东部quacimbec, 西蒙诺现在住在蒙特里萨.

Kia S. Smith 是芝加哥本地人,南芝加哥舞蹈剧院的创始人. She was named one of Dance Magazine’s “25 to Watch for 2024” and her recent choreographic commissions include Southeast Missouri State University, 肖陶扩村歌剧, 芝加哥歌剧院, 芝加哥佐丹奴舞蹈, 休斯顿当代舞蹈团, 中田纳西州立大学, 威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校, 西密歇根大学, 芝加哥保留剧目芭蕾舞团, 露丝·佩奇公民芭蕾舞培训公司和麦迪逊芭蕾舞团. In 2018, she received the inaugural Young and Ambitious Entrepreneurship Award from the Metropolitan Board of the Chicago Urban League and was chosen by the New York City-based Stage Director’s and Choreographers Foundation as a member of the national Observership class. In 2021, Smith received a 3Arts Make A Wave award and was an Ann & 韦斯顿·希克斯编舞研究员在著名的雅各布斯枕头. She was a 2022 Chicago Dancemakers Forum Lab Artist Awardee and a participant in the Artist in Residence “AIR” Program at the Cliff Dwellers (Chicago). In 2023, 史密斯首演了她的第一部晚间作品, 小巷里的爵士回忆录,为南芝加哥舞蹈剧院准备的, 由芝加哥大礼堂剧院演出. 在《哪个app可以赌足球》首映式之后, See Chicago Dance lauded “Smith’s first evening-length work is a ‘tour de force,感官沉浸在这位艺术家的创作源泉中.” She is a member of the International Association of Blacks in Dance, where she received the Joan Myers Brown Artist Development Fund scholarship and was a 2018 invited panelist for “Women of Color Arts Leaders.她最近被《赌钱app可以微信提现》评为一颗冉冉升起的新星, and “Player of the Moment” in the category of dance for New City Magazine's annual “50 Players List” in 2023. She is thrilled to be participating in 新的舞伴 and working with Regina Klenjoski Dance!


  • 堪萨斯创意艺术产业委员会
  • 理查德J. Stern Foundation for the Performing Arts, Commerce Bank, Trustee